PRA - Plan de reprise d'activité (DRaaS)

Dans un monde connecté, la gestion des données est cruciale pour les entreprises. Pannes ou catastrophes peuvent perturber leur activité et entraîner des pertes financières. Pour minimiser ces risques et assurer la continuité, les organisations peuvent adoptent un plan de reprise d'activité (PRA) pour leur système d'information.

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PRA - Plan de reprise d'activité

Notre expertise du PRA

Notre équipe technique possède une expertise pointue en plan de reprise d'activité (PRA). Nous maîtrisons la conception, l'implémentation et la gestion de solutions de PRA adaptées aux besoins spécifiques de chaque entreprise. Grâce à notre connaissance approfondie des infrastructures Cloud, nous assurons la résilience et la continuité des opérations en cas de sinistre.

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Identifier (20 caractères)

No installation is needed. HubSpot Marketplace auto-installs the theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. No installation is needed. HubSpot Marketplace auto-installs the theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. (390 carctères)


Protéger (20 caractères)

No installation is needed. HubSpot Marketplace auto-installs the theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. No installation is needed. HubSpot Marketplace auto-installs the theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before.(390 carctères)

Détecter (20 caractères)

No installation is needed. HubSpot Marketplace auto-installs the theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. No installation is needed. HubSpot Marketplace auto-installs the theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. (390 carctères)

Réagir (20 caractères)

No installation is needed. HubSpot Marketplace auto-installs the theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. No installation is needed. HubSpot Marketplace auto-installs the theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before.(390 carctères)

Rétablir (20 caractères)

No installation is needed. HubSpot Marketplace auto-installs the theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. No installation is needed. HubSpot Marketplace auto-installs the theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. theme for you, so you are ready to adjust settings and create pages right away. Deploy faster than ever before. (390 carctères)


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“What a fantastic journey this has been. Thanks to this product we can now focus on what matters.” (90 caractères)
Anthony Grower

Marketing Specialist

“What a fantastic journey this has been. Thanks to this product we can now focus on what matters. on what matters. on what matters.” (90 caractères)
Anthony Grower

Marketing Specialist

Enjoy life now and don't look back (35 caractères)

Echanger avec un expert
Hexanet a su, par sa disponibilité et sa flexibilité, nous accompagner pour la mise en place d’un DRaaS et d’un BaaS afin de sécuriser notre système d’information. L’importante volumétrie de données rendait le projet compliqué, mais l’implication des équipes a permis la mise en place de ces services.